Website Changes
Post date: Jul 27, 2019 3:29:59 PM
We heard your feedback, and have made some changes to the website with more to come!
Here is a summary of what was changed, in case you have trouble finding anything:
Consolidated pages to reduce clutter:
Moved Email Policy, Contacts (renamed to MCA Contacts), and Clubs pages to under the new Contact page
Moved Calendar to under the new Events and Calendar page
Moved Hall of Champions, History, Newsletter, Tournament Results (rn to Tournament Archive) and Links (rn Useful Websites) to under the new Media page
Moved Lessons (rn to Find a Coach), Getting Started (rn to Getting Started Over-the-Board), Ratings, and Education (rn to Why Chess?) to under the Play Chess! page.
Created new pages for better organization:
Contact - organize contact information and policies
Events and Calendar - hold calendar and events subpages
Media - hold updates, historical information, links, etc.
Play Chess! - hold information for learning and playing chess
Announcements (subpage of Media) - A new page to house announcements
Home Page:
Added Recent Announcements
Compressed upcoming events list
Embedded the Lichess daily puzzle widget. Enjoy!
Future Changes:
We realize some links and contact information are dead/inactive/out-of-date, and we plan to remove or refresh those in the upcoming days, so bear with us!
More updates on educational chess materials to come.
If you have any feedback or requests, feel free to fill out a survey on the Contact page!